Publication Ethic
Publication Ethic (English)
JURNAL ILMIAH SUTET journal is Open Access Journal from Electrical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi PLN d/h. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik PLN, with registered number P-ISSN 2356-1505 (Print), e-ISSN: 2656-9175 (Online) is a peer-reviewed journal, available in print and online and published two times a year. This statement clarifies ethical behaviour of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the chief editor, the Editorial Board, the peer-reviewer and the publisher Sekolah Tinggi Teknik PLN. This statement is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
Ethical Consideration in Publication
To maintain journal quality and avoid plagiarism in the publishing process, the editorial board established the ethical requirements for all scientific publications in Petir Journal. The ethical requirements must be followed by all authors, editors, reviewers, peer reviewers, and journal administrators/editors.
Author’s Ethics
Reporting; authors must provide information about their research process and result to the editors truthfully, clearly, and thoroughly, while ensuring their research data is safe and secure.
Originality and plagiarism; authors must ensure that the paper sent/submitted to the editor is original, written by the authors themselves, as a result of their own ideas and not copying other papers or ideas. Authors are strictly prohibited from changing the author’s name of a reference that they are using in their papers to another person’s name.
Re-submission; authors must inform that the paper sent/submitted to the editor has never been sent/submitted to other journals/publications. If any submission redundancy to other publishers is found, then the editor will reject the paper.
Author’s status: authors must inform the editor that they have appropriate competencies/qualifications in a certain field of expertise according to the fields listed by the publication. The journal should be submitted by the first author so that if a problem found during the publication process, it can be settled as soon as possible.
Errors in writing; authors must immediately inform the editor if there is any error or mistake in the paper, whether as a result of paper review or editing. The mistakes include the spelling of names, affiliations/instances, quotations, and others that may reduce the whole meaning and substance of the paper. In any case that it happens, authors must immediately propose corrections.
Conflict of interest; authors must understand the ethics of scientific publication stated above to avoid any conflict of interest with other parties, to ensure that papers can be processed with the highest quality as scheduled.
Editor’s Ethics
Decision to publish; editors must ensure the process of paper review is done in a thorough, transparent, objective, fair, and wise manner. Review result will be used by the editor to decide whether a paper is rejected or approved. In this case, the editorial council will act as the paper selection team.
- Publication information; editor must ensure that the paper writing guidance is accessible and can be read clearly by writers and other related parties, both print and electronic.
- Peer-review assignment; editors must ensure the paper is ready for the review process and a reviewer is assigned. Editors must also clearly inform the review process and requirements to the reviewer.
- Objectivity and neutrality; editor must be objective, neutral, and truthful in editing journals, without giving any considerations based on gender, business, tribe, religion, race, groups and citizenship of the author.
- Confidentiality; editor must be able to properly secure information, especially regarding author’s privacy and the distribution of the journal.
- Conflict of interest; editors must understand the publication ethics mentioned above to avoid any conflict of interest with other parties, so the journal publishing process can run smoothly and securely.
Reviewer Ethics
- Objectivity and neutrality, reviewers must be honest, objective, unbiased, independent, and only side with scientific truth. The process of reviewing the manuscript is done professionally without distinguishing gender, business side, ethnicity, religion, race, class, and citizenship of the author.
- Clarity of reference sources; The reviewer must ensure that the source of the reference / quotation of the text is appropriate and credible (accountable). If errors or irregularities are found in the writing of the source of the reference / quotation, the reviewer must immediately inform the editor to be corrected by the author according to the reviewer's record.
- Peer-reviewed effectiveness; The reviewer must respond to the manuscript that has been sent by the editor and work according to the specified peer-review time (maximum 2 weeks). If you need additional time in reviewing the text, you should immediately report (confirmation) to the editorial secretariat.
- Disclosure of conflicts of interest; The reviewer must understand the ethics of scientific publications above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, so that the process of publishing the script runs smoothly and safely.
Journal Ethics Manager
- Decision making; The journal manager / editorial board must describe the mission and objectives of the organization, especially those relating to the determination of policy and journal publishing decisions in the absence of certain interests.
- Freedom: the manager of the journal must give freedom to reviewers and editors to create a comfortable working atmosphere and respect the privacy of the author.
- Guarantees and promotions, journal managers must guarantee and protect intellectual property rights (copyrights), and are transparent in managing funds received by third parties. In addition, journal managers must publish and promote the results of publications to the community by providing benefits in the use of texts.
- Disclosure of conflicts of interest; Journal managers must understand the ethics of scientific publications above to avoid conflicts of interest with other parties, so that the process of publishing the script runs smoothly and safely.