Tinjauan Keandalan Kondisi Kontingensi Jaringan Tenaga Listrik 150 kV Sub Sistem Aceh
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The electric power system must be able to deliver electrical energy reliably and safely in both normal and fault conditions. To meet these needs, a system security analysis is needed which aims to see how reliable and secure the system is when a disturbance occurs. In this study, contingency analysis is used which is a test or system modeling for any disturbances that occur. The aim is to carry out a contingency analysis on the 150 kV transmission conductor of the Aceh Subsystem assisted by the DigSILENT PowerFactory 15.1 software. The results of the analysis using the performance index method for the first largest order are the Birun – Samalanga channel 116.675%, while for the Newton Rapson method the buses that experience operating permit limits are Banda Aceh 134.5 kV, Ulee Kareng 134.6 kV and Krueng Raya 134, 6 kV and channels that exceed operating limits are Arun – Birun I 82.84%, Birun – Samalanga 64.73 %, Samalanga – Sigli 60.80 %, Sigli – Jantho 57.27 % and Jantho – Banda Aceh 54.76 %. The solution used is load shedding for contingency 3 undervoltage conditions, carried out on a Banda Aceh load of 20 MVA. After the load shedding solution was carried out, there were no buses that experienced undervoltage, namely Banda Aceh 138.2 kV, Ulee – Kareng 138.1 kV and Krueng – Raya 138.1 kV. For overload conditions, a power reduction solution is carried out, where the reduced generating power is the power generation at PLTMG Arun I, for contingency 1 of 5.25 MW per unit and contingency 2 of 2.75 per unit. The results of this solution resulted in no overloaded channels, namely Arun - BirunI 49.08 %, Birun - Samalanga 47.41 % and Samalangan - Sigli 43.55 %.
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