Over Current Relay (OCR) Berbasis Goose Message Sebagai Pengaman Busbar 70 kV
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The application of busbar protection is only applied to priority substations for efficiency reasons so for other substations that are not a priority when busbar faults occur at the busbar, it will cause widespread blackouts in all bays at the substation. The absence of a protective busbar relay can be solved by modifying the couple protection. Coupling protection such as Over Current Relay (OCR) only accommodates faults as a second safeguard if there is a failure in the transformer or the bay. GOOSE Message-based OCR will maximize busbar security. OCR works faster when senses fault current but is not followed by other forward bay pickup conditions which indicate the fault is in the busbar. Forward pick-up data retrieval method using GOOSE Message. Implementation Over Current Relay (OCR) based on GOOSE message as a 70 kV busbar protection at the Kracak Substation, it can anticipate widespread blackouts at the substation when a busbar fault occurs
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