Kontibusi Percepatan Net Zero Emission Dengan Pendekatan Strategis Peningkatan Efisiensi Pengelolaan Pembangkit Listrik Melalui Keunggulan Operasional

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Muhammad Ahsin Sidqi
Andi Makkulau
Muhammad Rizal Oktavian



Net Zero Emission (NZE) has become a global agreement that is binding on every country throughout the world. The energy transition as a step towards NZE is carried out with many strategies and one of them is the generator efficiency program which is currently operating. In developed countries, the efficiency of generating plants and the efficiency of the consumer sector, especially industry and industry, has increased. other large consumers can increase electricity power and reduce emissions. Comprehensive approach Sustainable efficiency in managing power plants with steps (1) Technological Capability; (2) Systems & Policies (2). Employee Awareness & Skills. In this paper we examine strategic approaches and programs to increase efficiency by increasing the output of electrical power, reducing carbon emissions and waste with minimal costs and increasing competency (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in the field of efficiency and becoming the basic character of electric power generation companies. in accelerating NZE. 


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Sidqi, M. A., Makkulau, A., & Rizal Oktavian, M. (2024). Kontibusi Percepatan Net Zero Emission Dengan Pendekatan Strategis Peningkatan Efisiensi Pengelolaan Pembangkit Listrik Melalui Keunggulan Operasional. ENERGI & KELISTRIKAN, 16(1). Retrieved from https://jurnalitpln.id/energi/article/view/2517


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