Assessment Analysis of Voltage Imbalance in Electricity Supply for Activities in Educational Buildings Power quality and Unbalance Voltage on Building
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This article also discusses problems and their identification that can be taken up by industrial consumers in buildings for lectures in reducing the magnitude of voltage imbalances so as to produce higher quality electricity supplies and reduce the impacts they cause. The research refers to the unbalance voltage repair work program for power quality in Building B e. Analyze and identify problems in the form of risk management. The phenomenon of voltage imbalance is often caused by turning on loads that require a large quantity of current supply.Using the Matlab simulation, it is found that there is still a high imbalance value due to the high reactive power value in Building B. To be able to plan treatment, understanding the scope of the risk and identifying it is the best way. Risk vulnerabilities exist in policy making, regulations, organizational management and operations. Actions taken to reduce the problem In terms of risk assessment, this is with proper treatment and gradual prevention. A PVUR value of 48.4% must at least be immediately diagnosed. However, there is still a need for more comprehensive follow-up action to look at performance for daily activities apart from simulations.
Article Details
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