Pola Kesesuaian Penggunaan Lampu Terhadap Intensitas Cahaya Dengan Metode Regresi Linier
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The need for light intensity is one very important aspect in the room, because if the need for light intensity in the room is not in accordance with predetermined standards it will cause problems and have a bad impact on eye sight and is not good for the surrounding environment based on the provisions of SNI 03 - 6575 Year 2001. Researchers conducted research on the study of light intensity using the linear regression method in 40 residential homes to be able to find out how many percent of residential homes that are in accordance with the needs of light intensity based on standards at the time before and after regression and can determine the percentage of savings from energy use (kWh) lamps with linear regression method. It can be obtained from 40 samples of houses the results of measurement data before being regressed that the need for light intensity that is in accordance with the standard is only 1 house or 2,5%, while for the need for light intensity that is in accordance with the standard after being regressed in all rooms there is an increase to 21 houses or 52,5%. From the calculation results, the percentage of savings in the use of electrical energy after being regressed with the existing type of lamp is 14.8% or the energy is more efficient 3,492 kWh.